
Games => Enemy Territory => Topic started by: x3t0 on September 11, 2008, 04:40:26 PM

Title: santas little helpers
Post by: x3t0 on September 11, 2008, 04:40:26 PM
ein paar configeinträge der etwas anderen art :D. Ich habs noch nicht alles getestet, also für pbkicks übernehm ich keine verantwortung ;)

//Trick Jump Settings Toggle
set tjon "pmove_fixed 1; bind MOUSE4 load; bind MOUSE5 save;bind X kill; set tj vstr tjoff"
set tjoff "pmove_fixed 0; exec binds.cfg; set tj vstr tjon"
set tj "vstr tjon"
bind \ "vstr tj"

//Gamma Switcher
set gamma1 "r_gamma 1.50; set gammaup vstr gamma2; set gammadown vstr gamma7; echo ^?1.50"
set gamma2 "r_gamma 1.75; set gammaup vstr gamma3; set gammadown vstr gamma1; echo ^?1.75"
set gamma3 "r_gamma 2.00; set gammaup vstr gamma4; set gammadown vstr gamma2; echo ^?2.00"
set gamma4 "r_gamma 2.25; set gammaup vstr gamma5; set gammadown vstr gamma3; echo ^?2.25"
set gamma5 "r_gamma 2.50; set gammaup vstr gamma6; set gammadown vstr gamma4; echo ^?2.50"
set gamma6 "r_gamma 2.75; set gammaup vstr gamma7; set gammadown vstr gamma5; echo ^?2.75"
set gamma7 "r_gamma 3.00; set gammaup vstr gamma1; set gammadown vstr gamma6; echo ^?3.00"
set gammaup "vstr gamma6"
set gammadown "vstr gamma4"
bind ] "vstr gammaup"
bind [ "vstr gammadown"

//Volume Changer
set vol0 "s_volume 0.0; set volup vstr vol1; set voldn vstr vol10; echo ^0[^7----------^0]"
set vol1 "s_volume 0.1; set volup vstr vol2; set voldn vstr vol0; echo ^0[^9-^7---------^0]"
set vol2 "s_volume 0.2; set volup vstr vol3; set voldn vstr vol1; echo ^0[^9--^7--------^0]"
set vol3 "s_volume 0.3; set volup vstr vol4; set voldn vstr vol2; echo ^0[^9---^7-------^0]"
set vol4 "s_volume 0.4; set volup vstr vol5; set voldn vstr vol3; echo ^0[^9----^7------^0]"
set vol5 "s_volume 0.5; set volup vstr vol6; set voldn vstr vol4; echo ^0[^9-----^7-----^0]"
set vol6 "s_volume 0.6; set volup vstr vol7; set voldn vstr vol5; echo ^0[^9------^7----^0]"
set vol7 "s_volume 0.7; set volup vstr vol8; set voldn vstr vol6; echo ^0[^9-------^7---^0]"
set vol8 "s_volume 0.8; set volup vstr vol9; set voldn vstr vol7; echo ^0[^9--------^7--^0]"
set vol9 "s_volume 0.9; set volup vstr vol10; set voldn vstr vol8; echo ^0[^9---------^7-^0]"
set vol10 "s_volume 1.0; set volup vstr vol0; set voldn vstr vol9; echo ^0[^9----------^0]"
set volup "vstr vol0"
set voldn "vstr vol9"
bind UPARROW "vstr volup"
bind DOWNARROW "vstr voldn"

//Class Selector
set bsol1 "team b 0 8 37; set sol vstr bsol2; vstr sold; echo ^0[^dSoldier^0]"
set bsol2 "team b 0 31 37; set sol vstr bsol3; vstr sold; echo ^0[^dMG^0]"
set bsol3 "team b 0 6 37; set sol vstr bsol4; vstr sold; echo ^0[^dFlamer^0]"
set bsol4 "team b 0 5 37; set sol vstr bsol5; vstr sold; echo ^0[^dPanzer^0]"
set bsol5 "team b 0 35 37; set sol vstr bsol1; vstr sold; echo ^0[^dMortar^0]"
set bmed "team b 1 8 37; vstr medic; echo ^0[^dMedic^0]"
set beng1 "team b 2 8 37; set eng vstr beng2; vstr engy; echo ^0[^dEngineer^0]"
set beng2 "team b 2 24 37; set eng vstr beng1; vstr engy; echo ^0[^dRifle Nade^0]"
set bfop "team b 3 8 37; vstr field; echo ^0[^dField Ops^0]"
set bcov1 "team b 4 10 37; set cov vstr bcov1; vstr covert; echo ^0[^dSten^0]"
set bcov2 "team b 4 33 37; set cov vstr bcov3; vstr covert; echo ^0[^dFG42^0]"
set bcov3 "team b 4 25 37; set cov vstr bcov2; vstr covert; echo ^0[^dSniper^0]"
set rsol1 "team r 0 3 38; set sol vstr rsol2; vstr sold; echo ^0[^?Soldier^0]"
set rsol2 "team r 0 31 38; set sol vstr rsol3; vstr sold; echo ^0[^?MG^0]"
set rsol3 "team r 0 6 38; set sol vstr rsol4; vstr sold; echo ^0[^?Flamer^0]"
set rsol4 "team r 0 5 38; set sol vstr rsol5; vstr sold; echo ^0[^?Panzer^0]"
set rsol5 "team r 0 35 38; set sol vstr rsol1; vstr sold; echo ^0[^?Mortar^0]"
set rmed "team r 1 3 38; vstr medic; echo ^0[^?Medic^0]"
set reng1 "team r 2 3 38; set eng vstr reng2; vstr engy; echo ^0[^?Engineer^0]"
set reng2 "team r 2 23 38; set eng vstr reng1; vstr engy; echo ^0[^?Rifle Nade^0]"
set rfop "team r 3 3 38; vstr field; echo ^0[^?Field Ops^0]"
set rcov1 "team r 4 10 38; set cov vstr rcov2; vstr covert; echo ^0[^?Sten^0]"
set rcov2 "team r 4 33 38; set cov vstr rcov3; vstr covert; echo ^0[^?FG42^0]"
set rcov3 "team r 4 32 38; set cov vstr rcov1; vstr covert; echo ^0[^?Sniper^0]"
set allies "set sol vstr bsol1; set med vstr bmed; set eng vstr beng1; set fop vstr bfop; set cov vstr bcov1; echo ^0*^dAllies^0*"
set axis "set sol vstr rsol1; set med vstr rmed; set eng vstr reng1; set fop vstr rfop; set cov vstr rcov1; echo ^0*^?Axis^0*"
set sol ""
set med ""
set eng ""
set fop ""
set cov ""
set spec "team s; echo ^0*^7Spectator^0*"

set sold "unbind A; unbind Q"
set medic "bind A weaponbank 5; bind Q weaponbank 6"
set engy "bind A weaponbank 5; bind Q weaponbank 7"
set field "bind A vstr arty; bind Q weaponbank 6"
set covert "bind A weaponbank 6; bind Q vstr sniper"
set arty "+zoom; +attack; -attack; -zoom"
set snipeon "sensitivity 2.00; m_pitch 0.0250; bind MWHEELUP weapnext; bind MWHEELDOWN weapprev; set sniper vstr snipeoff"
set snipeoff "sensitivity 1.15; m_pitch 0.0220; bind MWHEELUP vstr fov; unbind MWHEELDOWN; set sniper vstr snipeon"
set sniper "vstr snipeon"

bind F5 "vstr spec"
bind F6 "vstr allies"
bind F7 "vstr axis"
bind F8 "vstr sol"
bind F9 "vstr med"
bind F10 "vstr eng"
bind F11 "vstr fop"
bind F12 "vstr cov"

//Map Toggle
set mapout "+mapexpand; set map vstr mapin"
set mapin "-mapexpand; set map vstr mapout"
set map "vstr mapout"
bind H "vstr map"


Enables you to automatically run when you press fire (attack)

set AT2 "-attack; -sprint"
set AT1 "+attack; +sprint"
bind MOUSE1 "+vstr AT1 AT2"

I like this as well

//***Lean FOV Toggle***
set lright "+leanright; set cg_fov 115
set rnormal "-leanright; set cg_fov 95
set lleft "+leanleft; set cg_fov 115
set lnormal "-leanleft; set cg_fov 95


set mpitch1 "-attack;m_pitch 0.0151" // low m_pitch pb's min is .0111 or 0131 I use .0151 most of the time
set mpitch2 "+attack;m_pitch 0.022" // normal m_pitch
bind mouse1 +vstr mpitch1 mpitch2

