
Allgemeines => Alles für alle => Topic started by: x3t0 on November 05, 2007, 06:22:17 PM

Title: Skript links
Post by: x3t0 on November 05, 2007, 06:22:17 PM
Hier sammeln wir links die infos zum skripting enthalten. Grundlegende Tutorials und weiterführende Hilfen :)


rcon befehle und andere nützliche adminsachen http://www.gameadmins.com/modules.php?name=Sections&op=viewarticle&artid=36

......weiteres folgt
Title: Re: Skript links
Post by: x3t0 on November 20, 2007, 10:07:43 AM
liste der rcon befehle

Hier die RCON Befehle:

Eingabe: status -gibt die Client Nummer (num), Punktzahl (score), Pingzeit (ping), Spielernamen (name), die Client IP Adresse (address), den Verbindungs Port (qport)an, die Clientnummer wird in verbindung mit dem "kick" verwendet

Eingabe: kick <name> -der zugehörige Clientname(name) wird über den Befehl "status" gefunden !!

Eingabe: clientkick <ID> -selber Vorgang wie oben nur über die Client ID (ID)

Eingabe: timelimit <#min> - dauer der Map in Minuten wird hier umgestellt.

Eingabe: rconpassword <serverpasswort> - Legt ein Client Konsolen Passwort fest

Eingabe: g_password "Euerpasswort" - ändert nur kurzzeitig das Passwort (für Clanwars etc). Nach nem restart ist das alte PW wieder funktionsfähig (wird also nicht geloescht !!!!!) Mann kann es auch reseten !

Eingabe: reset g_password -löscht das letzte eingegebene Passwort wieder ohne Neustart des Servers.

Eingabe: killserver - alle Serverprogramme werden abgebrochen nur die exe Datei läuft im Hintergrund weiter...(Anfänger nicht benutzen !!!!!!!!)

Eingabe: map_restart 5 -Standartwert 5 Sekunden...die Zahl bestimmt die Sekunden, bevor eine Map neu gestartet wird....

Eingabe: map <mapname> -startet eine neue Map auf dem Server

Eingabe: changemap <mapname> -wechselt auf ne neue Map (is dasselbe wie der Befehl "map" im prinzip !)

Befehl: exec server.cfg -startet die Server.cfg neu

Befehl: pb_sv_enable -schaltet den Punkbuster an

Befehl: set g_gametype # - stellt den Spieltyp um , also 4 ist Campaign, 3 Stopwatch und 2 Last Man standing....einfach das# durch ne Zahl ersetzen

Title: Re: Skript links
Post by: x3t0 on November 20, 2007, 10:35:04 AM

^1 Rot
^2 Grün
^3 Gelb
^4 Blau
^5 Türkis
^6 Violet
^7 Weis
^8 Orange
^9 Grau
^a Orange
^b Türkis
^c Violet
^d Hell Blau
^e Hell Violet
^f Hell Blau
^g Hell Grün
^h Dunkel Grün
^i Dunkel Rot
^j Wein Rot
^k Orange Rot
^l Orange Gelb
^m Gold
^n Besch
^o Besch Gelb
^p Schwartz
^q Rot
^r Hell Grün
^s Dunkel Gelb
^t Dunkel Blau
^u Blau Grün
^v Rosa Rot
^w Weis
^x Orange
^y Grau
^z Grau
Title: Re: Skript links
Post by: x3t0 on November 20, 2007, 10:36:13 AM

/cg_drawStatus "1"
Schaltet die Anzeigen
Munition, Gesundheit etc.) ein oder aus, 1=EIN

/cg_drawTimer "1"
Schaltet den Timer wie lang das Spiel schon läuft ein.

/cg_drawGun "1"
Eigene Waffe anzeigen oder Anzeige ausschalten.

/cg_drawCompass "1"
Kompass anzeigen.

/cg_drawTeamOverlay "1"
Schaltet Teamanzeige ein, 1=kurz (Name, Gesundheit, Teammates) 2=lang (Name, Gesundheit, Standort, Teammates).

/cg_drawFPS "1"
Anzeige für Frames Pro Sekunde ein/aus

/cg_shadows "1"
Schatten anzeigen , 1=aktiv

/cg_simpleItems "1"
Bei Wert auf 1 werden alle Models in einfachen Grafiken angezeigt.

/r_picmip "1"
Maximale Texturgröße (3=Schnelligkeit, 0=Qualität).

/cg_fov "90"
Blickwinkel (in Grad) im Spiel einstellen.

/r_vertexLight "1"
Ist dieser Wert auf 1 sind alle Licht und Schattenberechnungen deaktiviert, empfohlen für Multiplayer.

/com_maxfps "85"
Maximale Anzahl Frames pro Sekunde die vom Server empfangen werden.

/password PASS
Paßwort für den Server eingeben Achtung! ERST das Passwort eingeben, DANN die IP-Adresse.

/connect IP
IP Adresse des Servers zum verbinden.

/exec SCRIPT
Script ausführen für SCRIPT den Scriptnamen eintragen

/exec autoexec.cfg
Die Autoexec wird Aktiviert.

Es wird z.B die Autoexec im Spiel aktualisiert ohne neu ET zu starten.

Eigenen Spielernamen einstellen.

/demo demoname
Demowiedergabe starten für DEMONAME den Name der Demo-Datei eintragen.

/bind xxx
Funktion auf eine Taste legen

/bind k
SelfKill(Selbstmord) bei Button K (Ihr könnt auch auf eine andere taste Selfkill belegen).

/pmove_fixed "1"
Die Springkraft wird erhöt z.B beim Trickjumpen ist es am Anfang hilfreich.

/r_smp "1"
Mit diesem Befehl kann man im Spiel die Multiprozessorunterstützung einschalten (Nicht Win9x/ME).

Serverinformationen anzeigen lassen auf dem man sich befindet

/rate 25000
Wird benutzt, dass man mehr Bandbreite hat kein so nen Hohen Ping hat und dass man besser zielen kann (Achtung nur die wo DSL haben) ist normalerweise standart aber schaden tut es nicht.

/record name
Zeichnet eine Demo auf.

Beendet die Demoaufzeichnung.
Title: Re: Skript links
Post by: x3t0 on November 20, 2007, 12:37:48 PM
etadmin_mod v0.24 for RTCW:Enemy Territory

I made this mod for Enemy Territory to prevent stupid voting and to show the killing sprees ingame, that many people know from UT. But afterall, the mod makes much more now. Many of the features (e.g. canceling votes) do only function together with a mod like etpro, shrub or my own headshot_mod, because additional rcon commands are needed. The documentation is far from complete, but everything the etadmin_mod should be easy to install and configure.

Feature Summary:
- vote deactivation, restriction (canceling)
- nickname / clantag protection
- (killing) spree counter (positions and color configurable)
- admin functions (e.g. like a enhanced shrubbot for etpro (headshot_mod) )
- seen database
- gib protector (shrub only)
- first blood message
- (custom) greetings
- name fake/stealing detection
- min GUID age restriction
- class restrictions and rules (new)
- min. name length, sound exploit detection (shrub/etmain), bad name list, ... (new)
- map specific configs (good for class_restrictions) (new)
- banners (new)
- Support for: etmain, etpro, shrubet and headshot_mod

Features in detail:
vote deactivation / controlling
There are 2 main votecanceling functions.
- Allow a particular vote only one time per X minutes
- Disallow votes in the last minutes of a map. For that, 3 different modes are available.
1 == X mins before end of map,
2 == after X% of map time,
3 == X minutes after mapstart (default)
For these functions you need etpro, shrub or my own headshot_mod (cancelvote rcon command).

killing spree counter
To display the messages, when someone is on a spree, rampage or something. It is possible to configure where these messages have to be displayed depending on the type of spree
( spree (5), rampage (10), dominating (15), unstoppable (20), godlike (25), wicked sick(30) ).
The numbers in brackets are also configurable, but i suggest leaving them default.
Furthermore you can configure the color in the configfile.
If you want to display them in a nice manner, then you need etpro, shrub or the headshot_mod. Else you have to use "cpm" or "say" to display it ingame.

first blood message
If you activate that feature, then a message is displayed, when someone makes the first kill in a map. (Unreal Tournament-like).

name protection
it's possible to protect the nick names of registered users (all users in one file, maybe MySQL later). If someone enters with that nick (but wrong guid), then he has 90 seconds to change (3 warnings). If he doesn't change to a unregistered nick, he gets kicked for 5 minutes. I made a web-GUI to let our players register and change these names on their own. But this code will not be shipped with this mod.

admin functions
You remember the shrubBOT of the shrubmod? etadmin_mod can enhance the shrubbot for shrub or provide a complete shrubbot for etpro. You can assign commands to levels and levels to users, which will be recognised through the Punkbuster ID, when they log in. You don't need passwords for your admins anymore (No ref-, no semiadmin-, or shoutcaster-password). The config looks like the shrubbot.cfg (which is included in the package) and therefore its possible to perfectly coexist with the shrub-mod or standalone with etpro. If a definition isn't set or the player is not in the config file, then lvl0 is assumed. lvl0-Players also can have commands, but i suggest only let them have them "time", "seen" and "admintest".

This way its possible to assign all rcon commands and the ban and admintest to this users. For admins its then possible to ban or kick players, without real rcon or referee access (!kick user, !clientkick, <id>, !putspec name, ...). See here for a command list, that will be available after a normal installation. See also the etadmin.cfg for details.

With the release of etadmin_mod 0.23 it's now possible to assign the "silent_commands" permission to a level. Then the admins of this and all higher levels can send themselves a private message with the command, which is then executed, but only visible to the admin.

If you use the ban command to kick players, then you can let etadmin_mod manage these bans. These bans are added to the shrub-like configfile. If a players tries to enter, he gets automatically kicked and a message for players will be displayed. These bans can be for a certain amount of time or for ever ( !ban <ID|part of name> <duration> <reason>)

seen database
With the seen database, its possible to see, when a user was last seen on the server. The seen command is case insensitive, but you have to use the full name right now. (e.g. !seen [d1p]h.potter)

The seen-program is an external perl-program, that gets required on startup. This way you can easily replace the normal db-based program with a SQL based perl-script (MySQL, PostGreSQL, Oracle) and change to a better matching algorithm.

external program / command support
You can build you own programs / commands to be used for players ingame. You can call external programs and use <PLAYER>, <COLOR_PLAYER> and <GUID> as parameters. The output is displayed ingame for all players.

Simple examples:
fortune = /usr/bin/fortune -a -s
server_uptime = /usr/bin/uptime |/usr/bin/cut -f 1 -d ',' |/usr/bin/xargs -iX /bin/echo Server uptime: X

A more useful example from GamesUnited:

stats = /home/et/stats.pl <COLOR_PLAYER>

ingame usage (without parameters):

would display:
Stats for: NAME (updated once a day)
K:100/D:50/R:2.0 TK:10/TD:20/R:0.5 Rank: [444/4334]

The stats.pl fetches the current ranking, kills, deaths and much more from the systats ranking and outputs them. The etadmin_mod then displays it ingame.

Stats plugins are available for systats and for the ets perlscript (with a mysql modification) right now.

admin greetings / customized greetings
You can display special ingame greetings to admins.

- Every lvl can have its own special greeting.
- Every admin/protected can deactivate his greeting with:
setu hp_nogreeting 1 before entering the server (in autoexec.cfg or something).
- Every admin/protected can change / customize the greeting with:
setu hp_greeting "Everybody welcome <COLOR_PLAYER> ^7to the party ..."
- The Custom-greeting has precedence over the lvl-greeting.
- The greeting is only shown, when the player enters the server
- The greeting is shown to everyone. The place can be configured in the config-file.

clan tag protection
You can assign a passwort to a clantag (regular expression). Then only users, who have the password configured can enter or use the clantag on the server. For example:
^\[CoL\] = testpass

Then members of the CoL-Clan have to set: setu hp_passwort "testpass" before they enter the server.

teamgib protection
To stop players gibbing teammates with none gibbing weapons (knife, pistol, mp40, ...). Some players gib teammates to take the binoculars or just to disturb the game (very annoying with limited lives). If you activate this feature, then those players get a warning displayed after teamgibbing. After 5 teamgibs, the player gets kicked. You still can gib your mates with grenades, airstrikes or panzer. This is something, that often happens without intention.

Crazy Gravity Mode
This is a fun mode. In this mode, the gravity changes every 30 seconds to a random value between 10 and 1200 (All these values can be configured in the etadmin_mod.pl. A message is displayed 5 seconds before the next gravity change.

The crazy gravity mode can be activated ingame with !crazygravity 0/1.

name fake/stealing detection
If punkbuster is activated, normally all name stealing is detected. But there is one case that is not handled by punkbuster. So even if you run punkbuster, you should activate that feature to prevent name stealing / faking. Improved in 0.24.

min GUID age restriction
with this feature, its possible to check the age (in days) of the punkbuster key of the players and prohibit players with a new key (cheaters, newbies, ...) to enter the server.

class restrictions
with the release of 0.23 it's now possible to restrict the amount of players in a class to a specific value. You can, for example, limit the amount of field ops / covert ops to a small value to prevent massive camping or spawnkilling. This feature is rather new, so it can be improved. Right now: If a class reached a limit, then the next player, that chooses this class, is changed to spectator with a message, that he has to choose a different class. A countdown with message for the player is planed, but not yet implemented. I guess, i will implement that after my final exam.

New in 0.24:
You can set a minimum amount of players, that have to be on the server, before a class or a group (like sniper or rifle engi) of players becomes available. See the explanation above the rules section in the config file for details.

For example:

# Sniper are coverts with a scoped weapon (FG42, Garand and K43)
# Coverts with a sten are still allowed then..
player_minimum_sniper = 0

# This is just for panzer:
player_minimum_panzer = 8
banner messages (new)
You can define a set of banner messages, which can be displayed anywhere you want to. This might be of interest of you, if you want to display messages in the banner section and somewhere else.

Questions, Feedback, Suggestions, Problems, else...
If you have a question, problem or something else, then visit my forum here:


There i (and maybe some other) can answer your question.

if you want to see the etadmin_mod in action, then i suggest you better join our ET-server:


We are running ETPRO 3.0.15, Limited Lives, a mix of Custom Maps and the Standard Maps. On the homepage (http://et.d1p.de), you will find stats, forum, chatlogs, bans, admins and more. The stats are also available ingame with the !stats command.


Download 0.24


Sample Config file / admin commands (with default etpro config)


Serverlist (an optional v0.23 feature)



# 0.24 - added support for cpmsay (etpro 3.0.15+) (19-07-2004)
# - added map_configs (for map specific configs) (18-07-2004)
# -> for example: sniper restriction only for helmsdeep
# - increased admin protection (17-07-2004)
# -> lower admins can't ban/kick/mute higher or equal admins.
# regardless of which or how the command is in the
# config (pb_sv_kick, ref kick, clientkick, ...)
# - added banners
# - added "rules" for class restrictions (11-07-2004)
# -> class/weapon can depend on logged in players
# e.g. 10 players to make panzer available.
# or 8 players for coverts with sniper rifle
# - replaced name_stealing code. Should be much more
# efficient now.
# - made a new diff / patch for the new ets.pl (1.85) (07-07-2004)
# - fixed shrub cancel bug (votes were canceled, but (04-07-2004)
# offenders were not kicked.
# - added a include option for the config file (26-06-2004)
# - added sound exploit detection (24-06-2004)
# - added bad name list (22-06-2004)
# -> 2 options: immidiate kick or 30 second countdown
# - optimized name protector code.
# 0.23 - added sets etadmin_mod server infos. (18-06-2004)
# -> option to get listed on the etadmin_mod website
# - added name stealing / faking detection (14-06-2004
# -> also detects the players with spaces in front
# which pb does not detect atm
# - added the ability to run the commands silent
# through private messages to oneself (silentcommands)
# e.g. "/m ME !cp test" in the console
# - added some commands (aliases) to the config. (14-06-2004)
# - added putclan <clantag> <r|b|s> to move many players (11-06-2004)
# -> does not work as expected yet!
# - fixed UN-MUTE cancel for admins bug (thx Scowl) (09-06-2004)
# - added <PART2PBID> for replacements with pb cmds. (01-06-2004)
# see fastkick as example
# - added original name to the finger command
# - adjusted color codes in some commands
# - added class restrictions
# - added timeout for logfile waiting
# -> crazy gravity mode and time based messages are
# now better displayed (even with empty server)
# - various internal bug fixes / enhancements.
# - fixed addons/stats_systats.pl
# 0.22 - added finger command (26-05-2004)
# - added check for logfiles and version information to the log.
# - changed the startscript to show startup failures
# - hopefully fixed long name bug (>35 chars)
# - fixed the etpro vote detection
# - added a small "pause", that the spree (on cp) is also displayed
# to the player, who is on the spree
# 0.21 - added !help command (and texts in config file) (24-05-2004)
# - fixed the bug with the double execution of some commands.
# 0.20 - added <PART2ID> and <PART2NAME> to the substitutions. (22-05-2004)
# and added alias for kick, mute, ban, setlevel, ... (very convenient now)
# - first PUBLIC release
# 0.19 - added vote & kick cancelation for admins (21-05-2004)
# - bans now expire (and are removed from shrubbot.cfg)
# - added !readconfig cmd for reloading all config files.
# - added crazy gravity mode (!crazygravity 0/1)
# - fixed voting detection for etpro
# - added <CLIENT_ID>, <PARAMETER> for subsitutions and some entries in the config-file
# 0.18: - fix for etpro vote detection / canceling (17-05-2004)
# - added SIGHUP support for reloading config file
# - outsourced the admin_functions into the config file
# 0.17: - added \n workaround for etpro, headshot_mod (02-05-2004)
# - added <PARAMETERS> for externals
# 0.16: - first real etpro tests (01-05-2004)
# - added Substitution Function. (maprestart -> restart, shuffle_teams -> shuffle, ...)
# - added most referee commands to the admin functions (for etpro)
# (shrub)bot for etpro should be complete now.
# (semi admin skills (and passwords!) are not needed any more!)
# 0.15: - added setlevel command (and add. perl script)(30-04-2004)
# - fixed timelimit
# - Added Round end
# - added command_prefix to config file.
# 0.14: - added admin-greeting (29-03-2004)
# 0.13: - exported cancel_time & mode into ext. configfile. (27-03-2004)
# 0.12: - external program support (12-03-2004)
# - added fortune example
# 0.11: - spree fix (wicked sick) (11-03-2004)
# - added first blood
# - added spree_color
# 0.10: - bugfixes
# - Clan Tag registering...
# 0.9 : - added time function (16-02-2004)
# - removed spaces from end of lines (while loading configfile)
# - added protection for admins, when they teamgib
# 0.8 : - added seperate config file (13-02-2004)
# 0.7 : - added allowing only one particular vote in X minutes (11-02-2004)
# 0.6 : - added ban / unban / manage_bans (and add. perl script)(10-02-2004)
# 0.5 : - added admin functions (07-02-2004)
# - added seen_db (command: !seen)
# 0.4 : - added positions (24-01-2004)
# 0.3 : - added gib-protection (21-01-2004)
Title: Re: Skript links
Post by: x3t0 on November 20, 2007, 02:21:49 PM
[ a] - last person who gave you ammo
[ d] - last person who killed you
[ h] - last person who gave you health
[ k] - last person you killed
[ l] - your current location
[ n] - your name
[ r] - last person who revived you
[ p] - teammate you are pointing at
[ s] - your health
[ w] - weapon you are currently holding
[ t] - ammo for current weapon

edit: ich war mal so frei und hab die BB Tags deaktiviert. den Space vor dem Buchstaben also wegdenken.